Saturday, September 1, 2007

Food and Football

I cheated. This is one of my favorite pictures of Jimmy and I. It was taken last year, I think!
We are supposed to be watching Carolina Gamecocks play on pay per view tonight, if the cable works and the weather isn't bad. Go Cocks!!

Ok, so it has been raining like all day and I decided to stay in the kitchen. I have had a craving for potato skins. So, I have never made them, until today. I thought they turned out pretty, so here is one.


Southern Sweets said...

You could have fooled me. Those skins look gooooood!

AmyWhit said...

They look yummy to me! Wasn't it just a dreary, dreary day?! We finally just had to get out of the house for a while. I was soooo unproductive today. Guess I'll be working all day tomorrow and Monday! I just wanted to sleep with all the rain today! (not that I did!)